
Legal Notice and Disclaimer

Statement pursuant to Sec 25 Austrian Media Act (MedienG); Sec 14 Austrian Commercial Code (UGB);
Sec 5 Austrian E-Commerce Act (E-CG);

Last updated on November 01, 2021.

Legal Notice

For a medium in terms of para 1 s. 5a b) and c) that does not contain any information exceeding the presentation of the personal lifestyle or the presentation of the media owner, being suitable to influence public opinion, only the name and the residence of the media owner are to be indicated. Paras 3 and 4 shall not apply to such media.

So here we go! My name is Arno A. Kathollnig. My permanent residence is in 9500 Villach, Carinthia, Austria. Cheers!


This is the personal website of the media owner, a fact that means little. A website is not a peer-reviewed journal, a final archive of my ideas, a sponsored publication, or a product of close editorial control. That does mean something. It means that while my ideas, thoughts, and artwork are vital and the outcome of continuous gestation, the writing and presentation of my artwork itself may not be. Generally, my words spring from the keyboard as spontaneous bursts, unproofed, unrevised, and corrected afterward only as necessary to address mistakes that grossly affect my intent. Where such changes have been made, they are explicitly noted.

I shall not be held responsible and for anything I say or display. Anyone visiting my website agrees not to hold me liable for what I say or show. The content on my website is my own opinion and creative expression and is not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organization, company, profession, corporation, individual, or other entity(s) or anyone or anything.